Appendicular skeleton - bones and bone markings – Study Guide





Bones of Pectoral Girdle - very mobile, but not very strong


Clavicle - "collarbone"



Acromial end - broad flat; articulates with scapula



Sternal end - triangular (looks sawed off); articulates with sternum


Scapula - "shoulder blade"



Glenoid fossa - shallow depression where humerus articulates with the scapula



Acromion process - projection over shoulder joint; posterior side of scapula; articulates with clavicle



Coracoid process - projection on anterior side of scapula; attachment for short head of biceps muscle



Spine - large ridge across posteriori surface of scapula



Infraspinous fossa - depression on the posterior surface of the scapula inferior to the spine



Supraspinous fossa - depression on the posterior surface of scapula superior to the spine



Subscapular fossa - deep, smooth anterior surface of the scapula



Suprascapular notch - allows suprascapular nerve & vessels to pass


Appendicular skeleton - bones and bone markings


Bones of the Upper Limb


Humerus - bone extending from shoulder to elbow



Head - smooth, round proximal surface; articulates with glenoid fossa of the scapula



Anatomical neck - rim around base of head



Surgical neck - region between shaft & proximal end of bone



Greater tubercle - Prominent knoblike projection on lateral side of bone just distal to anatomical neck



Lesser tubercle - Smaller knoblike projection on anterior side of bone just distal to anatomical neck



Intertubercular groove - groove between greater & lesser tubercles; lets one tendon of biceps pass



Deltoid tuberosity - Low lump on lateral side, about 1/3 of the way down; attachment for deltoid muscle



Capitulum - Round condylar surface on lateral side of distal humerus; articulates with head of radius



Radial fossa - Depression proximal to the capitulum where the radial head fits when elbow is bent



Trochlea - Spool-shaped condylar surface on medial side of distal humerus; articulates with trochlear notch of the ulna



Coronoid fossa - Depression on anterior side of distal humerus into which coronoid process of the ulna fits when the elbow is flexed (bent)



Olecranon fossa - Depression on posterior side of distal humerus into which the olecranon process of the ulna fits when the elbow is extended (straightened)



Medial & lateral epicondyles - ridges on distal humerus from which forearm muscles originate


Ulna - "near little finger" "crescent wrench"; forms elbow joint with the humerus



Olecranon process - heavy process at extreme proximal & posterior end of ulna



Coronoid process - thinner process on anterior surface of bone; helps hold ulna onto humerus by partially surrounding the trochlea of the humerus



Trochlear notch - between olecranon & coronoid processes; articulates with trochlea of humerus



Radial notch - smooth depression on lateral side of proximal ulna against which the head of radius rotates



Head - Small partially rounded distal end that articulates with the radius & wrist bones



Styloid process - small process protruding from medial side of head to which wrist ligaments attach


Appendicular skeleton - bones and bone markings



Bones of the Upper Limb


Radius - rotates around the ulna, near the thumb



Head - Proximal, drum-shaped end; articulates with capitulum of humerus & radial notch of ulna



Neck - narrow region just distal to the head



Radial tuberosity - large lump on anteromedial surface just distal to neck; attachment for biceps



Styloid process - point on lateral side of distal end of the bone to which wrist ligaments attach



Ulnar notch - indentation at distal end of bone into which the ulna fits


Carpals - "wrist bones"; 8 short bones arranged in 2 irregular rows of four bones each


Metacarpals - "palm"; 5 small, long bones, numbered 1 to 5 from thumb to little finger


Phalanges - 14 small, long bones of the fingers (3 per finger & 2 of the thumb)


Pollex - thumb; digit # 1; has only proximal and distal phalanges


Other fingers are numbered 2-5; have distal, medial, & proximal phalanges


Appendicular skeleton - bones and bone markings





Bones of the Pelvic Girdle - 3 fused coxae.  Each coxal bone consists of the ischium, ilium, & pubis that are fused in adults


Acetabulum - Depression into which the head of the femur articulates


Obturator foramen - Large hole in the inferior half of the coxa through which nerves & vessels pass


Ilium - large, flat superior region of the coxal bone; articulates with the sacrum, forming the sacroiliac joint



Iliac crest - Superior border of the coxa



Iliac fossa - Large depression occupying most of the superior, anterior half of the coxa



Gluteal lines - Lines on posterior surface of the ilium where gluteal muscles attach



Greater sciatic notch - deep notch on the posterior margin of the coxa where sciatic nerve passes



Auricular surface - ear-shaped articular surface where coxa joins the sacrum (sacroiliac joint)


Ischium - Posterior, inferior portion of coxa



Ischial ramus - Portion that extends inferiorly to form part of the wall of the obturator foramen & joining the inferior pubic ramus anteriorly



Ischial spine - prominence at inferior margin of the greater sciatic notch



Lesser sciatic notch - Small indentation in posterior border of the coxa just inferior to ischial spine



Ischial tuberosity - Large knob of bone to which several thigh muscles attach; you sit on it


Pubis - anterior, inferior portion of coxa



Pubic symphysis - point of articulation between the two coxa anteriorly; pad of fibrocartilage connects the 2 pubic bones



Pubic arch - inverted V formed by 2 pubic bones


Appendicular skeleton - bones and bone markings





Bones of lower limb


Femur - largest & heaviest bone of the body



Head - articulates with the acetabulum of the pelvis



Fovea capitis - small pit in medial side of head to which a ligament of the hip attaches



Neck - thin portion that connects the head to the shaft



Greater trochanter - large process on lateral side of proximal end of the bone to which gluteal (hip) muscles attach



Lesser trochanter - Process on posterior side of proximal end of bone to which one muscle attaches



Gluteal tuberosity - projection inferior to greater trochanter on posterior side; gluteal muscle attaches



Intertrochanteric crest - Posterior ridge connecting the greater & lesser trochanters



Intertrochanteric line - Anterior line connecting the greater & lesser trochanters



Linea aspera - ridge on posterior side of the bone to which several thigh muscles attach



Medial & lateral condyles - rounded smooth articular surfaces where the femur articulates with tibia



Intercondylar fossa - deep groove between the condyles where the cruciate ligaments attach



Medial & lateral epicondyles - small ridges on distal end where muscles attach



Patellar groove - smooth articular indented surface where femur articulates with the patella


Appendicular skeleton - bones and bone markings






Bones of lower limb



Tibia - weight bearing (larger) bone of lower leg




Medial & lateral condyles - flat smooth surfaces with which the femur articulates




Intercondylar eminence - crest between the condyles where the cruciate ligaments attach




Tibial tuberosity - knot on the anterior, proximal surface where the patellar ligament attaches




Anterior crest - sharp prominent ridge running inferiorly along anterior border of the bone




Medial malleolus - large process of the distal, medial side of the bone



Fibula - "little lie" sticklike, non-weight bearing bone




Head - proximal enlargement; articulates with lateral side of the proximal tibia




Neck - narrow area just distal to the head




Lateral malleolus - enlargement on the distal, lateral side of the bone



Patella - sesamoid bone encased in patellar ligament, apex points down; "knee cap"



Tarsals - seven bones that make up the posterior half of the foot




Talus - on top, articulates with the tibia; carries the weight




Calcaneus - heel to which calf muscles attach



Metatarsals - five small, long bones; distal portion of the foot



Phalanges - 14 of the toes



Hallux - great toe with only 2 phalanges