Cyclic Aliphatic Compounds



Carbon atoms arranged in such a way as to form ring structures


u Named by prefixing cyclo- to the corresponding open-chain hydrocarbon.

u Monocyclic aliphatic rings

u Polycyclic aliphatic rings

u   Locate bridge-head carbons

u   Determine the lowest number of rings

u mentally break bonds until no rings remain

u   Indicate carbon number in the longest bridge, then the next longest bridge, etc., until all carbon atoms are utilized

u   Began numbering at a bridge-head carbon of the longest bridge


Baeyer Strain Theory

u Adolf von Baeyer -- 1885

u Carbon to four other atoms with a bond angle of 109.5o

u As the bond angle becomes more compressed, increasing strain is placed on the molecule

u As strain increases, bond stability decreases


Factors Affecting Stability

u Angle strain

u Torsional strain

u van der Waals strain (steric strain)


Preparation of Bicyclic compounds with 6 carbon ring



u Two stage process

u   Cyclization:  conversion of an open-chain compound into a ring-containing compound

u   Conversion:  changing the cyclic compound into the wanted compound




Addition of Substituted Carbenes