


The most important of the organic compounds showing appreciable basicity.


The amines are the organic bases.



•     Aliphatic amines are named by naming the alkyl group followed by the word -amine.

•     Complicated amines are named by prefixing amino- to the name of the parent chain.

•     Aromatic amines are named as derivative of the simplest aromatic amine, aniline.

•     Salts of amines are named by replacing -amine by -ammonium (or -aniline by -anilinium).


Physical Properties

•     Polar compounds

•     Form intermolecular hydrogen bonds

•     Higher boiling points than nonpolar compounds

•     Lower boiling points than alcohols or carboxylic acids

•     Quite soluble in water

•     Methyl amines & ethyl amines smell like ammonia

•     Higher alkyl amines have a “fishy” smell

•     Aromatic amines are generally very toxic; they are absorbed through the skin, often with fatal results

•     Aromatic amines are oxidized by air


Stereochemistry of Nitrogen

•     Nitrogen uses sp3 hybridized orbitals

•     Tetrahedral shape

–   one orbital is a pair of nonbonding electrons

–   the three remaining orbitals overlap s orbitals of hydrogen or carbon

•     Approximate bond angles of 109o

•     Quaternary ammonium salts use all four sp3 orbitals to form bonds


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Hofmann Degradation of Amines


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When a primary aromatic amine, dissolved or suspended in cold aqueous mineral acid,

is treated with sodium nitrite, a diazonium salt is formed.


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