Botany – Plant Metabolism


I.  Metabolism – __________________________________________________


            A.  ______________________ – the process by which plant cells capture

            the radiant energy (E) of sunlight &  store it in sugar (in the form of



            B.  ______________________ – the process by which plant cells release

            the E stored in sugar & capture it in ATP.

                        1.  ATP – ____________________________________________


II.  Photosynthesis begins with light


            A.  What makes up light?

                        1.  Review the diagram over the visible spectrum of light

                        2.  As wavelength _____________________, energy


                                    a.  Red has the ____________ wavelength, but carries the ­ 

                                    ________________ energy          

                                    b.  Violet has the ___________ wavelength, but carries the ­

                                    ________________ energy

                                    c.  UV light carries ___________ energy then visible light

                                                1)  Why is UV light dangerous?


                                    d.  Infrared light carries _________ energy than visible light.

                                                1)  This is the same thing as ________


            B.  Why do we see colors? 






            Why are plants green?






Why should a greenhouse never have green glass?






C.  Not all light that reaches plants is the same.

                        Review how light level changes as you pass through the strata of a

                        tropical rain forest.

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            Emergent layer - ______ light quality; therefore it is the _____ efficient. 

                        These plants primarily rely upon just have __________________.

            Undergrowth - _______ light quality.  Mostly only the high energy

                        Wavelengths of violet, blue, and green get through.  These plants

                        must be the _____ efficient.  They primarily rely upon



III.  Plants capture the E of light with photosynthetic pigments

            A.  Review the diagram over the absorption of the photosynthetic


                        1.  ________________________, in land plants, is the main light-

                        capturing pigment.

                                    a.  Chlorophyll a is a _________________________pigment

                                    b.  It is most efficient at ___________________________&

                                    _____________________________ wavelengths

                        2.  Chlorophyll b serves as an accessory pigment

                                    a.  Chlorophyll b is a _______________________ pigment

                                    b.  It is most efficient at __________________________ &


                        3.  Chlorophyll transmits & reflects light in the

 _________________________ & ________________________   

wavelengths, giving plants their green color

                        4.  Chlorophyll is located in the __________________________of


                        5.  __________________________ (carotene & xanthophylls) are

                        accessory pigments that allow the utilization of a wider variety of

                        wavelengths of light.

                                    a.  Carotenoids are yellow, orange, or red pigments

                                    b.  They are most efficient at _________________________

                                    & _____________________________ wavelengths

                        6.  Why do shaded plants have more carotenoids?




IV.  Overview of Photosynthesis






B.  Review of the structures of a chloroplast

                        1.  Double membrane bound, stacks of

____________________________ membranes called

____________________________, & a fluid called the


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            C.  Photosynthesis can be viewed as a coupled oxidation / reduction


                        1.  Oxidation – the loss of ___________________________ &/or

                        _____________________________ (the loss of ______________)

                                    a.  water is oxidized as free ________________________ is


                        2.  _____________________________ – the gain of electrons &/or

                        hydrogen (the gain of E)               

                                    a.  carbon dioxide is reduced as it is changed to

                                    _____________________________ (carbohydrates)

            D.  Photosynthetic reactions can be divided into light-dependent & light-



                        1.  Light-dependent reactions (require light or they will not occur)

                                    a.  Take place on the ______________________________

                                    b.  Water molecules are split (oxidized) to produce oxygen

                                    and H+

                                                1) H+ + NADP+ à NADPH

                                    c.  The energy of sunlight excites the photosynthetic

                                    pigments of _____________________________

                                                1)  They eject electrons, which travel down the

electron transport system, releasing energy.

                                                2)  Some of the E is used to create a H+ gradient

                                                across the thylakoid membrane that drives


                                                            a)  ADP + Pi à ATP

                        2.  Light-independent reactions (can occur in the dark, don’t

                        require light)

                                    a.  Take place in the _____________________________

                                    b.  The energy stored in ATP is used to reduce carbon

                                    dioxide to form glucose

                                                1)  NADPH donates H to CO2

                                                            a)  NADPH à NADP+

                                                2)  The energy required to reduce CO2 is derived from


b) ATP à ADP + Pi

                        3.  Overview of Reactants and Products


Uses (________________________)

Produces (________________________)


(occurs on thylakoid membranes)




(occurs in the stroma)





















            E.  _____________________________ – a group of protein, chlorophyll,

            & carotenoid molecules contained on the thylakoid membranes.  The

            photosystems were numbered as they were discovered, but they are

            actually used in reverse order.

                        1.  Photosystem II

                                    a.  A photon of light strikes photosystem II, energizing an


                        b.  The energized electron moves down the electron

                        transport system

                                                1)  This E is used to convert ADP + Pi to ATP

                                    c.  The electron is passed to photosystem I

                        2.  Photosystem I

                                    a.  The electron is re-energized by sunlight and passes to a

                                    carrier molecule NADP+.  H+ from the stroma combines with

                                    electrons to form NADPH.

                                    b.  The NADPH will be utilized in the light-independent

                                    reactions to form _____________________________.

                        3.  The original electron from Photosystem II is replaced by splitting


                                    a.  H2O à 2H+ + 2 e- + ½ O2


F.  There are 3 types of photosynthesis:  __________________________


            1.  Photosynthesis always involves taking C from 6 CO2 and

“_______________” it to form a 6 C molecule, glucose.

a.    Remember, plants get CO2 from the air.  They must open

their somata in order allow CO2 into the leaf’s mesophyll

where photosynthesis is taking place. 

                                    b.  When the stomata are open, water vapor leaves the plant

                                    through transpiration

                        2.  C3 photosynthesis is the ancestral pathway for carbon fixation

                        and occurs in all taxonomic plant groups. 

a.    C3 photosynthesis initially fixes CO2 into a 3 C molecule

that will eventually become glucose.

b.    Benefits of C3 photosynthesis

i.      _________________________ system (it takes

the least ATP to make glucose).

c.     Costs of C3 photosynthesis

                                                              i.        _______________ must be abundant.  In order for

C3 photosynthesis to be efficient, the stomata must

stay open to let in lots of CO2.

                                                            ii.        When temperatures are high, and water is low, C3

plants begin to go through photorespiration. 

d.    ___________________________ consumes oxygen,

releases carbon dioxide, generates no ATP, and

decreases photosynthetic output.

                                                              i.        Generally occurs on hot, dry, bright days, when

the stomata close to conserve water.

                                                            ii.        This allows the concentration of O2 to exceed that

of CO2 in the leaf.

e.    In C3 plants, the ____________________________ cells

(cells that surround and protect leaf veins) usually do not

contain chloroplasts.

f.     Examples of C3 plants:  most trees, grain crops, potatoes,

sugar beets.

3.  C4 photosynthesis occurs in the more advanced plant taxa and

is especially common among ______________, such as grasses

and sedges, but not very common among dicots.

a.    C4 photosynthesis initially fixes CO2 into a 4 C molecule

that will eventually become glucose.

b.    Benefits of C4 photosynthesis

                                                              i.        At ________________________, C4 plants have

photosynthetic rates that are two to three times

faster than those of C3 plants. 

                                                            ii.        C4 plants lose less water during photosynthesis.

c.    Costs of C4 photosynthesis

                                                              i.        Under milder climatic conditions, C3 plants are

more efficient at fixing carbon dioxide.

d.    In C4 plants, the bundle sheath cells usually do have


                        4.  Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (______________) – usually

                        found in succulents & other dry environment plants.  The process

                        allows C fixation while maximally conserving H2O. 

                        a.  During the day, the light-dependent reactions produce

ATP & NADPH, but the ____________________________. 

C fixation cannot occur.

                        b.  At night, the stomata open, allowing CO2 to enter.  Using

CO2 + ATP + NADPH, ________________ is formed.

                        3.  The next day, malate is broken down, freeing CO2 to

                        produce ______________.


V.  Glucose metabolism – how plant cells release & utilize the E stored in sugar


            A.  Remember a few things…

                        1.  Cells can’t directly use the E stored in sugar

                        2.  Cells break the sugar molecule, releasing its stored E

                        3.  Cells store that released E by making ____________

                        4.  ATP can be used by the cells to do any work


            B.  All cells begin the breakdown of sugar through ___________________

1.  Glycolysis occurs in the _______________________ of the cell.

2.  Glycolysis is an anaerobic (not requiring O2) oxidation of glucose

to produce ____________________________________________.

                        3.  SUM of the formula of GLYCOLYSIS…


Glucose (a 6 C molecule) à2 Pyruvic acid (a 3 C molecule) + _________


                        4.  If you are a bacteria or yeast cell, this may be all the E that you

                        need, but complex plant & animal cells must be more efficient.

a.     Complex cells use _____________________________

to carry out ___________________________________.


C.  Review of the structure of a mitochondria

                        1.  Double-membrane bound organelle.   The inner membrane is

                        folded into _________________________. 

                        2.  The cristae provide the surface upon which cellular respiration


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            D.  Cellular respiration – requires the presences of O2

                        1.  Occurs on the inner membrane of the mitochondria

                        2.  _______________________________

                                    a.  The two pyruvic acids from glycolysis are converted to

                                    two __________________________ (This is a 2 C sugar)

                                    b.  The acetyl groups are caught by a carrier molecule,

coenzyme A (_____________).



2 Pyruvic acids à 2 CO2 + 2 Acetyl Groups

2 Acetyl Groups + 2 Coenzyme A à 2 Acetyl CoA


d.  The 2 Acetyl CoA enter the _____________________

(also known as the Kreb’s cycle).


                        3.  TCA Cycle

                                    a.  This is a complex chemical reaction that can be summed

                                    up as follows…

2 Acetyl CoA à CO2 + H2O + _________________


4.  In conclusion, the YIELD of CELLULAR RESPIRATION can be

                        summed up in the following formula…