Botany:  Primitive Nonvascular Plants - Bryophytes



I. Features of the Plant Kingdom


A. Some traits are shared with the green algae, suggesting common ancestry










B. Other features of Plant Kingdom

            1. Multicellular gametangia –



            2. zygote (_______________________________________)

develops into an _____________________ within the tissues that

originally surrounded the egg.

            3. Specialized tissues for photosynthesis, storage, conduction, etc.

            4. Primarily _____________________ reproduction with dominant

            _____________________ (spore-producing phase of the plant life

            cycle) phase in more advanced members.


II.  Our beginning of the survey of the Plant Kingdom


A.    We will begin with the simplest of the true plants, the ___________________.


B.  Note that these plants are nonvascular – they lack _____________________

 & _____________________.

            1.  These plants are very small & cannot grow very tall because of the

            problems of having no internal plumbing to move water.


III. Phylum  _________________________________- liverworts.


A.    The suffix wort simply means “________________” or “________________.”  It was believed, incorrectly, that these plants (with liver-shaped lobes) were useful in the treatment of __________________________________________.  The name stuck. 

(image from )


B.  Structure and Form

1.  Flattened, lobed bodies called _____________________.

a.  Actually, only 20% of this division have the typical; liverwort

shape. The others look more like mosses.

2.  Considered less complex than _____________________.

3.  The _____________________ (gamete-producing phase of the plant

lifecycle) is the predominant generation, and makes up the thallus.

a.  The thallus develops from a _____________________.

b.  The lower surface is composed of small, single-celled, root-like



C.  A typical liverwort is the genus Marchantia.

1.  The Marchangia thallus is made up of air chambers with pores on the

top. Inside the chambers are loose chlorenchyma cells.


Marchantia gemmae cups

2. Asexual Reproduction: Marchantia reproduces asexually by

_____________________—Lens-shaped groups of cells that are produced in gemmae cups, and are periodically released.

(image from )


                        3. Sexual Reproduction: Marchantia develop _____________________

                        that are more complex than most liverworts.

                                    a. Male and female gametangia are produced on separate


b.  The gametangia are supported by gametophores called

__________________________________________ (females) and __________________________________________ (male).

Image modified from the following source:

c. Archegonia containing _____________________ face

downward, while antheridia containing _____________________

face upward.

                                    d. Raindrops splash the flagellated sperm away. The sperm swim

                                    to an egg and fertilize it to form a _____________________.

                        e. The zygote divides to form an _____________________

 (immature sporophyte).

                        f.  The sporophyte is anchored to the archegonium, tucked up

                        under what looks like a palm tree.

g.  Spores are formed by meiosis in the _____________________

of the sporophyte. The stalk of the archegoniophore will grow tall

so the resulting spores can be spread by the wind.

                        h. At maturity, the capsule splits and spores are carried by the


            4. Other species of liverworts have bisexual gametophytes in which

            antheridia and archegonia are produced on the same plant.



IV. Phylum __________________________________________- hornworts.





A.  Again, the suffix wort simply means “plant” or “herb.”  Mature

_____________________ often look like cattle horns, hence the name.


(image from )


B.  Gametophytes look similar to liverworts.

1.  Most are very small, about 2 cm in diameter.

2.  The pores and cavities are usually filled with _____________________

instead of air.

            a.  Nitrogen-fixing _____________________ often grow in the

            mucilage. This relationship is mutualistic. The plant feeds the

            bacteria sugar from photosynthesis and in return the bacteria take

            nitrogen from the air and make fertilizer for the plant.

3.  Usually hornworts have only one large _____________________ in

their cells. This is weird because higher plants have 75 to 125 chloroplasts

per cell.

4.  _____________________ anchor plant to the surface.


C. Asexual Reproduction- usually by _____________________ - separation of

            lobes from the thallus. (If the thallus (gametophyte) falls into pieces, each piece

            become a new (genetically identical) gametophyte.)


D. Sexual Reproduction- archegonia and antheridia are usually produced on rows

     beneath the upper surfaces of the gametophytes.

            1. Gametophytes may be unisexual or bisexual.

            2. Spores are produced throughout most of the hornlike sporophyte.

            3. At maturity, the sporophyte splits, releasing spores.


V. Phylum __________________________________________- mosses.

**This is the most important life cycle to know in this chapter! **

Image from: MacMillian Higher Ed



A.  The 15,000 species of bryophytes are divided into three classes…

1.  _____________________ mosses – the most economically important


a.  Extremely _____________________ (more so than cotton) –

used to condition soils

b.  Naturally _____________________ which inhibits bacterial &

fungal growth – has been used for _____________________

2.  _____________________ mosses

3.  _____________________ mosses.


B.  Moss “leaves” have little or no tissue differentiation, and are haploid

(_____________________ is dominant).

1.  The middle cells of moss “leaves” are non-photosynthetic and are

adapted to water accumulation and storage.

2.  The axis is stem-like, but without conductive tissues.

            a.  Most water travels along the outside of the plant by

            _____________________ and is absorbed by the plant surfaces.


C.  The plant is anchored by root-like rhizoids. Many mosses have mycorrhizal

fungi associated with their rhizoids.


D.  Mosses may have _____________________ and _____________________—

specialized cells that conduct water and food respectively.

1.  These are not true vascular tissues and aren’t very efficient.


            E. Sexual Reproduction- gametangia are produced from the gametophyte. Moss

            species may be unisexual or bisexual.

                        1. The _____________________ produces a single egg cell.

                        2. The _____________________ produce numerous sperm cells that are

                        forced out of the antheridia when they absorb water and swell.

a.  Each sperm has a pair of _____________________.

            3. The archegonia release chemicals that attract the sperm.

a.  Eventually, the sperm swim down the neck of an archegonium

and fertilize the egg to produce a _____________________.

            4. The zygote grows into an embryo that remains attached to the


            5. The sporophyte grows through the top of the archegonium and matures.

                        a.  The developing sporophyte is covered by a pixie cap, the


                        b.  The sporophyte is photosynthetic, but depends on the

gametophyte for some of its nutritional needs.

c.  The sporophyte consists of a _____________________ that sits

on top of a stalk-like _____________________, which may be

very long in some species (15cm).

1)  Spores are produced inside the capsule.

2)  The free end of the capsule is usually protected by a

little rimmed lid, the _____________________, which falls

off at maturity.

3)  Spores are released through the


            6. The spores germinate to form strands called _____________________.

7.  Small buds develop on the protonema that later develop into new



F. Asexual Reproduction- Protonema may develop from most of the

gametophyte parts to form new gametophytes.

1.      However, this is often done only under laboratory conditions.

2.      The amount of asexual reproduction depends on the species.