Clarendon College Athletic Program Policies 

Equipment and Uniforms

The procedures listed below will be followed by all student-athletes regarding the issuance of athletic equipment:

  1. All equipment and uniforms will be collected by the head coach within two weeks of the last contest. If equipment is not returned by that time, a letter from the Athletic Office will be forwarded to the parents of those student-athletes requesting their assistance in having school property returned.
  2. Any student not returning all issued equipment will not receive his/her grades, and a hold will be placed on release of their credentials until their account is cleared.
  3. Uniforms, warm-up suits and issued equipment are to be worn and used only for practice and competition that is conducted under the direction of the Athletic Department.

Discipline Policy

This policy governs the conduct of all Clarendon College intercollegiate student-athletes, both on and off the College premises. Participation in intercollegiate athletics at Clarendon College is chosen privilege, and the Athletic Department of Clarendon College reserves the right to revoke that privilege when warranted. 

Student-athletes at Clarendon College are required to comply with the statutes of the State of Texas, federal law, and all duly constituted College policies and regulations. In addition, a student athlete who is involved in unacceptable behavior, at any time while still having athletic eligibility may be disciplined by the head coach of the specific sport and/or the athletic administration. The student-athlete will also be subject to disciplinary action according to the Clarendon College Student Code of Conduct and the Dean of Students

 Authorized Absence Policy and Procedure

Student-athletes may be excused from class due to competition. Student-athletes are not permitted to miss class for practice. If the student-athlete’s class schedule conflicts with his/her practice schedule, arrangements must be made with the coach and student-athlete to find an appropriate time to practice. The Head Coach will report all excused absences to the Dean of Instruction, who, in turn will notify the instructors.

The following procedure is to be followed by student-athletes when missing a class for athletic competition:

  1. A signed and dated absence form is to be obtained from the coach.
  2. Request permission for absence and provide the faculty member with the form at least five days in advance (or as soon as possible if an unexpected absence arises).  
  3. Request any assignments that you may miss, or to take any exams prior to the scheduled absence.
  4. The Head Coach will notify the Dean of Instruction of any excused absences for athletic competition. He/She will provide a list of the students that are to be excused.
Medical Requirements
  1. All students must have a physical examination before participating in any practice session.
  2. All students are required to provide proof of  proper insurance coverage.  Only after the injured student’s insurance is exhausted, will the College’s insurance plan become effective.
Regular Season Travel
  1. While traveling with an athletic team, Clarendon College students, regardless of age, are not permitted to drink alcoholic beverages. This policy is in effect from the time students leave campus until they return to campus.  
  2. Students are not permitted to drive their own vehicles to transport themselves, or other students, to any away athletic contests when they are representing Clarendon College. (Exceptions to this policy may be made for unique situations. The Athletic Director must approve these exceptions in advance).
  3. Students traveling with athletic teams to away contests are to return from that contest with the team. (Exceptions to this policy may be granted with the parent’s permission and that of the Athletic Director).

Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Policy

The use, misuse and abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD), is recognized by the Clarendon College Athletic Department to be a major problem in society today. The following program promotes responsible behavior and awareness by Clarendon College student-athletes and is meant to support current relevant federal, state, and Clarendon College guidelines.

Student-athletes live in an environment which often encourages the use of substances to enhance athletic performance or to deal with the problems associated with life as a college student. The Clarendon College athletic Department recognizes that ATOD has a detrimental effect upon student-athletes both on and off the athletic field or court. As such, student-athletes occupy a unique status in our society as public role models; therefore, they are held to a higher standard than a non-athlete. The Athletic Department is concerned about the detrimental effects the use, misuse and abuse of ATOD have on mental and physical well being of student-athletes. The Athletic Department will recommend assistance to student-athletes who request it. However, the unauthorized use, of any banned substance or the illegal or illicit use, misuse or abuse of alcohol, tobacco or other drug is expressly prohibited by the Clarendon College Athletic Department. Any violation will result in disciplinary action according to Clarendon College Student Code of Conduct, and or, by local law enforcement agencies.

 The Clarendon College Athletic Department reserves the right to implement a random drug test to its student-athletes.