Music Courses Offered at Clarendon College


Music Appreciation

American Music

Foundations of Music

MUSI 1306.101

Clarendon Campus

MWF 10:00 - 10:50 a.m.

HSFA 102

Spring Syllabus

MUSI 1310.101

Clarendon Campus

MWF 11:00 – 11:50 a.m.

HSFA 102

Spring Syllabus

MUSI 1304

Clarendon Campus

MWF 1:00 – 1:50 p.m.

HSFA 102

Spring Syllabus

MUSI 1306.221

Pampa Center

TR 9:30 – 10:50 a.m.

MKBC 205

Spring Syllabus

MUSI 1310.231

Pampa Center

TR 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

MKBC 205

Spring Syllabus


MUSI 1306.195


Fall/Spring Syllabi

Summer Syllabus

Winter Syllabus





Music Appreciation, American Music, and Foundations of Music fulfill the Fine Arts course requirement for the AA or AS degree. 


Why should anyone take a Music Appreciation Class?

·         Study stylistic characteristics of the Musical periods from history

·         Study and learn about famous and not so famous Classical composers and musicians throughout history

·         Learn how to listen to, think about, and talk about music

o   By attending concerts

o   By listening to music in class and on your own


Why should anyone take an American Music Class?

·         Study the multicultural characteristics of music that has influenced the development of the United States.

·         Study and learn about famous and not so famous American composers and musicians throughout this country’s history.

·         Learn how to listen to, think about, and talk about music

o   By attending concerts

o   By listening to music in class and on your own


Why should anyone take the Foundations of Music Class?

·         Study and discuss the importance of music in education

·         Study different musical instruments that are used in Elementary music programs

·         Learn the basics of music reading

·         Learn how to add music into the regular classroom


And Last, but not Least,


Learn interesting facts to impress your friends and colleagues at Wine and Cheese parties.

